Giana Binning
quotability: 8/10, i feel like maybe its just me, but i used to quote this video so often, especially ethans breakdown. very funny quotes, obviously my favorite one is the one i quote the most, but lots of them are still very good.
concept: 5/10, i will admit, i have no idea what this video was going to be before ethan got his balls kicked. i feel like if that didnt happen then this wouldve been a scrapped video
funniness: 9/10, so funny, this is a great early video, probably in my top 50 somewhere.
improv: 9/10, the improv in this video is incredible. i love how much of it wasnt planned but its obvious that some of it is still part of the comedy.
overall score: 8/10, overall a very funny video. i love this video and it was one of my early favorites, so it always holds a special place in my heart regardless of how good it is overall.
favorite quote: "wow whos a big boy!" "im about to be 😏"
had've hurt man
These came out when i was in 5th grade over the pandemic, and I am not shitting you, I am crying.